Management of a symptomatic tourist at a tourist guest house island
• If a tourist at tourist guest house develops any symptoms of acute respiratory illness, such as fever, cough, sore throat, running nose or shortness of breath, they should immediately wear a mask and they should be isolated until medical consultation and testing is done and results obtained.
• If a symptomatic tourist is sharing the room with others, the symptomatic tourist must be isolated separately at the designated isolation room at the guest house, otherwise he/she may be isolated at his/her own room.
Close contacts of the tourist must wear mask and quarantine themselves in their room.
• Medical consultation and COVID-19 PCR sampling must be done for all symptomatic persons at the flu clinic of the island for a fee at his/her expenses. The symptomatic person should wear a mask when attending the flu clinic.
•If the COVID-19 testing of a symptomatic tourist is negative, the tourist can be released from isolation, however the tourist should wear a medical mask when going out of the room, observe physical distancing measures and should not attend public places such as restaurants until 48 hours after resolution of symptoms.
• If the symptomatic tourist tests positive for COVID-19, the result will be informed by HPA to the patient and the island task force focal point.
• Contact tracing of the positive case must be done by the COVID-19 task force of the island. All close contacts must undergo PCR testing. Close contacts identified among tourists must be quarantined in the designated quarantine facility of the island at his/her expenses. The COVID-19 task force of the island should daily check on the condition of quarantined persons.
• The medical officer at the health centre will review the positive patient and discuss the case with clinical management advisory team (CMAT) to ensure the patient to the appropriate level of care.
• If mild disease, age less than 60 years and no adverse comorbid conditions, the positive tourist must be isolated at the designated place for isolation in the island, for a fee at his/her own expenses.
Criteria to allow isolation of a positive patient (tourist) at the designated place for isolation on the tourist guest house island:
• Those who have mild symptoms with stable vital signs with no clinical signs of pneumonia and without any underlying severe medical conditions can be isolated at a designated place for isolation on the tourist guest house island, for a fee at his/her own expenses.
o Patients age must be less than 60 years.
o Mild symptoms include low-grade fever, cough, malaise, running nose, sore throat. They should not have warning signs such as shortness of breath or difficulty in breathing. They should not have mental status changes such as confusion.
o Patient should have stable vital signs and no clinical signs of pneumonia.
o Patient should not have underlying severe chronic medical conditionssuch as chronic lung disease or heart disease, chronic kidney disease, or immune compromising conditions.
• All positive patients who have moderate to severe disease and whose clinical condition does not fulfil the criteria given above must be managed at a higher-level facility such as a regional COVD-19 treatment center for a fee, at his/her expenses.
• All positive patients kept at the isolation facility must be reviewed by a doctor at the island at least once a day and if required they should be reviewed more frequently. If any deterioration in the patient’s condition, the case must be promptly discussed with the clinical management advisory team (CMAT) and managed as per advice from CMAT. A sick patient condition may require transfer to a COVID-19 regional treatment center for hospitalization for a fee, at his/her own expenses.
• Tourists should bear the responsibility for ensuring that the costs related to isolation and quarantine at a designated facility on the island or at a government run COVID-19 regional center, testing and treatment are met, including any costs related to delayed departure.
• Villa Kudi Maldives, having no fault, will be exempt from any liability and will not bear any costs/expenses due to Covid-19 issues or circumstances, like the costs related to isolation and quarantine at a designated facility on the island or in our GuestHouse Villa Kudi Maldives or at a government run COVID-19 regional center, costs for tests and treatments, including any costs related to delayed departure.